
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

How to Find More Peace

Lately I've been struggling with holding on to my happiness. Maybe I'm just a weirdo and everybody else wakes up happy and rearing to go. For me, happiness comes and goes but never seems to stick around long. I realized that the amount of happiness I feel is directly related to how much peace and positivity I am experiencing and that the amount of peace and positivity I am experiencing is completely within my control. Mind blown! I always thought of peace and positivity as spontaneous gifts that came out of nowhere. They were like mail - sometimes there were bills but once in a while you score and get a card or a check! I'm still trying to wrap my head around cultivating and maintaining my own peace and happiness but here's what I'm changing to make it easier:

1. Like the quote says "If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive". When I start to dwell on things beyond my control I will change my mindset. For me, dwelling often leads me down a deep, dark, negative rabbit hole and who needs that?

2. Each evening before I go to sleep, I want to identify one thing from the day that I am grateful for.

3. Each morning when I wake up, I plan to set my intention for the day. Maybe that means I want to feel a certain way like loved or accomplished or maybe it means I want to take a certain approach to the day like taking time to enjoy the little things or see fun in everything.

Now I must admit, 2 & 3 have been a challenge. Not because I don't want to do them but because I keep forgetting! If any of you do this kind of stuff I'd love to hear more about it - especially how you get yourself in the habit.


  1. Great post!

    Two tips that I've followed:

    1. The happiness jar. Find a lovely large jar with lid to put on your nightstand or dresser, and cut a supply of pretty paper into small cards or strips. Each night before bed, take a moment to reflect on your day and jot down something that made you happy. (Check out Rick Hansen's "Buddha's Brain" or "Just One Thing" on why this works.)

    2. The morning pages. This is fromJulia Cameron's "Thr Artist's Way" (highly recommend!) Each morning I handwrite three pages. I have a beautiful fountain pen and buy quality paper journals for this purpose. Anything thatcomes to mind is jotted down - setting my intentions for the day or week, ideas for my next project, my anxieties or worries. There's something about the act of handwriting that's soothing, and I find that there's much I work out in these pages. Morning pages is a ritual for me now.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I love these ideas and I'm glad you left them in a comment for others to enjoy too. We all need a little help sometimes :)
